Life With Cups

Mr Miller and his cups.

For Mr Miller cups are one of the most common things in the world but also one of the most important,

follow this web page to step into Mr Miller's life and see how cups could help him throughout his day.

Morning Fresh

Its 7 in the morning, Mr Miller is in his dream soundly and he heard

something, a frustrating sound that is taking him to another world.

The alarm. Mr Miller is not willing to get up but

he knows he has no choice,

he needs to go to work and he has a family.

He is sitting in his bed still not fully awake but he sees a glass

cup on the table

with water in it. He went for it and had a mouthful.

He feels like the water woke up every cell of his body.

Mr Miller is brought back to life he knows another day has started.

Brush Your Teeth

Mr Miller goes to the bathroom, at the same place as usual

a plastic cup which contains his tooth brush is sitting there.

This kit is loyal because no one else would or want to use it.

Routine Coffee

The day could not go on for MR Miller without that cup of coffee.

Water is boiling when he is making breakfast to save sometime.

The coffee cup is one of the favorite things of him

because that makes him feel like he is living a life.


You may notice Mr Miller has a baby boy,

he is less than one year old and he needs formula milk.

Feeding baby is no trivial so he reaches

to his measuring cup which has a ruler.

Need A Straw

The baby is too little to drink without helps

therefore Mr Miller bought a cup with a teat

to make the baby feel more comfortable

The Taste of life

Office time is always unbearable,

Mr Miller needs a cup of tea.

His is not exactly sure why

but he uses a porcelain cup to drink tea.

Friend Time

A day is finally finished, Mr Miller called

a cuple of his friends to his house

He doesn't really want to do the washing afterwards

so he treated his friends some drinks with his paper cups

which is convenient and environmentally friendly.

Good Night

Mr Miller is about to go to bed.

He feels a little cold and he feels like he could use the thermos cup

and drink some warm water the next moring.